2020 is a Tipping Point Year

2020 will be a tipping point year for the U.S. workforce. Baby Boomers will exit organizations in record numbers while Generation Z will enter the labor market for the first time. Millennials will reach an overwhelming majority in the workforce and more importantly a critical mass as managers in companies. Generation X - the generational glue of most workplaces - will face new pressure to operationalize these changes and mitigate conflict.

2020 will place unprecedented demands on companies to attract and retain talent and to rapidly evolve their workforce practices to remain competitive as employers. Specifically, they will need to establish priorities in these five areas:

  1. Recognize the changing talent landscape and adopt new strategies for becoming an Employer of Choice.

  2. Onboard employees with purpose, to ignite employee engagement and ensure retention.

  3. Train leaders to manage effectively across the generations and anticipate the needs Generation Z.

  4. Adopt simple Succession Planning practices that ensure the development of top talent for the roles that matter most in the future.

  5. Look critically at HR leadership to ensure they fit the changing requirements of a Chief People/HR Officer.

I’m looking forward to an exciting year of development for my clients and colleagues who are investing in these opportunities. For more insights into my work and these five areas of expertise, visit my website or contact me directly.

Happy New Year!