Key Workforce Trends for Gen Z

Generation Z (born 2001 - present) is coming of age and differentiating itself from previous generations in noticeable ways. According to the Pew Research Center, members of Generation Z are:

  • Racially diverse, but less likely to be foreign born – Gen Z is the most diverse generation in American history and the last generation to be majority non-Hispanic white. However, they are less likely to be foreign born than previous generations.

  • Socially liberal – Compared with older generations, Gen Z has a distinctly liberal attitude regarding social issues of race, gender identity, sexual orientation and the role of government in society.

  • Slower to enter the workforce – Gen Z is pursuing college at higher rates than Millennials and entering adulthood with less work experience.

  • Urban and not moving – Only 13% of Gen Z resides in rural areas and members of Gen Z are not moving with the same frequency as past generations.

Generation Z is about the enter the workforce en masse. Their unique demographics and characteristics will certainly affect employers reliant on this new cohort of workers. To better understand this generation and to learn solutions for attracting and retaining a multi-generational workforce, visit my website or contact me directly.