The Post-Millennial Workforce is Here!

The Post-Millennial workforce is here. The oldest of this new generation are graduating high school, and employers, especially those facing a shortage of skilled labor, are preparing for this next influx of talent. Demographers use a variety of names to refer to this generation – Generation Z, Plurals, iGens – but none of these labels has yet to stick. And while it is clear that the members of this generation will be the most technologically savvy in history, most of their other values, characteristics and behaviors are misunderstood.

Post-Millennials have witnessed the disruption of all political, societal, and economic norms, realities and codes of conduct. These influences combine to create a generation that embraces grit and fixes problems. They are the Post-Millennial clean-up crew. Their characteristics and strengths will both complement and undergird the new models for life and work ushered in by the Millennials.

The Post-Millennial generation will be one of the most important cohorts for the U.S. workforce. They will be the solvers and silent leaders and employers will need them. To learn about this new generation and how to attract and retain them in the workplace, download my new whitepaper, "The Post Millennial Workforce," or feel free to contact me directly for more information.