Inspiring Students for the Future of Work

This year, my work and research brought me face-to-face with the challenges companies confront in securing skilled workers and the demands placed on our educators to equip a new, Post-Millennial Generation, for the future of work.

The future of work will require strong STEM skills and a high level of collaboration and innovation. That’s why the Interchange Group is donating funds this holiday season to FIRST®, an organization that engages kids, kindergarten through high school, in exciting, mentor-based, research and robotics programs. FIRST® provides unique, hands-on STEM learning experiences and scholarships to hundreds of thousands of students. The organization is transforming our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of contributing to society.

To learn more about FIRST®, click on the following links:

I am FIRST: Inspiring Dreamers
Tania’s Story: Empower One Leader, Change the Lives of Many
FIRST and Malachi Change the World

Happy Holidays!